Rain showers Drizzle most of the day, but it is good to take a quick walk up the hill to where the geebungs grow. At about 580m elevation in the Bulga forest the Geebungs have dropped most of their flowers that grow from the central stem. they are full of fruit this year with the long wet summer….
Common name
Lance leaf geebung
Where found
Dry forest and heath. Coast and ranges.
Shrub to 3 m tall, hairs greyish. Fruit fleshy. Bark smooth. Young branchlets moderately to densely hairy with greyish hairs. Leaves alternating up the stems, 3–10 cm long, 4–32 mm wide, twisted at the base through 90°, flat, hairless to moderately hairy when young, becoming hairless when mature. Flowers with 4 yellow ‘petals‘ each 10–12 mm long, more or less fused at the base, sparsely to densely hairy. Flowers erect, subtended by leaves, in 4–54-flowered clusters. Flowers chiefly Jan.–Apr.
Hybridises occasionally with Persoonia levis and with Persoonia linearis.
Protected NSW.
PlantNET description: http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/NSWfl.pl?page=nswfl&lvl=sp&name=Persoonia~lanceolata (accessed 31 January, 2021)